Tips for Writing to Legislators
Legislators read their messages. Because they receive an overwhelming amount of information, they pay the most attention to personalized letters and emails. Almost all legislators especially value hearing from constituents living in the districts they represent. Here are some tips:
Legislators do not value one form of communication over another. Emails
are always a faster and more efficient way to reach your legislators,
but handwritten letters can be used if that is your preference. You
should not expect handwritten responses, but many legislators will
respond to emails.
Identify the issue or the bill name/number at the top of the letter or in the subject line.
Address him/her as "Senator___" or "Representative___"
Identify yourself and affiliation (i.e. social worker, NASW member!)
Get right to the point - state your position and/or your request.
For example, "I hope you will support/oppose HF____ (House File #; or
SF for Senate File)". Give reasons for supporting or opposing the
measure. Tell why you think the bill will help or hurt you, your
children, your clients, your community.
- Offer your assistance (e.g. to testify at a hearing on the issue)
You can ask for more information on the issue
Ask for a reply if you want one
Thank them for considering your position
Be brief
- Cover only one issue.
Share your expertise and life experience.
Use terms they will understand; avoid abbreviations.
Be polite and reasonable. Calling names, swearing, or writing emails in
all caps is not an effective way to engage with others.
Find your legislator here.
Find contact information on their member page: Representatives or Senators.
When emailing, copy the legislative assistant listed on their page: House Staff or Senate Staff.
For the number and status of a bill, call:
House Index - 651-296-6646
For your legislator's name and number, call:
House Information Office - 651-296-3550 or 800-657-3550
Go to the web and visit your Minnesota State Legislature.