Event date: 1/28/2022 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM Export event
NASWMN Chapter
/ Categories: Online

2022 Virtual Symposium: (Re)visioning

(Re)visioning: Our Profession, Our Practice, Ourselves

NASW-MN's 2022 Virtual Symposium
(Re)visioning: Our Profession, Our Practice, Ourselves

January through May 2022
19 CEUs through live training and independent learning*


January 28 // 12-4 PM (4 CEUs)
(Re)centering: Social Work & Abolition
An abolitionist take on Social Work

February 25 // 12-4 PM (4 CEUs)
(Re)imagining the Structures of our Profession
A critical examination of some of our profession's most basic and grounding structures, with a focus on licensure

March 25 // 12-4 PM (4 CEUs)
(Re)imagining Ourselves
A deep dive into pay, autonomy, diversity in the field & other factors influencing daily realities

April 29 // 12-4 PM (4 CEUs)
(Re)imagining our Practice
A fresh take on interventions used to serve clients & communities

May 20 // 12 PM-3 PM (3 CEUs)
Social Work Summit: (Re)creating
A culminating discussion of ideas & creation of an action plan

Find more details on symposium webpage and in symposium brochure.

NASW Student Member - $30
NASW Retired Member - $50
NASW Regular Members - $75
Not-Yet-Members - $150

Looking for Group rates? Check out our Sponsorship packages for incredible perks and group registration!

NASW Members save up to $120 on registration! Join NASW today, and save! www.joinNASW.org

Pricing includes access to:

  • All 5 live symposium dates
  • Symposium All-Access Channel to catch up on session recordings through end of May**
  • Sponsor Resources Folder, filled with useful materials from sponsoring organizations
  • Up to 19 CEUs available through live training and more through independent learning!*

Register by Thursday, January 13 to guarantee receipt of materials and access prior to symposium start!
Registration open through 11:59 p.m. CST on Thursday, May 12.

Student and Retired Pricing only applies to NASW Student Members and NASW Retired Members, respectively.


*Check with the regulatory board in the state(s) where you are licensed to learn how this event can be counted towards your licensure requirements.




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