Event date: 8/8/2023 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Export event
Josh Klapperick
/ Categories: Online

Mandated Reporting through a Trauma-Responsive and Racial Justice Lens


2 CEUs - An ethics webinar for social workers in all practice areas (VIRTUAL EVENT)

Presenter: Miriam Itzkowitz, MSW, LICSW

2 CEUs - may be counted as ethics CEUs

Mandated reporting is a professional responsibility for all helping professionals. Despite our best intentions, and our belief in evidence-based practice, mandated reporting remains one of the few areas in which professionals do not regularly examine best practices or look beyond their perceived legal and ethical obligations. How do we incorporate all that we know about trauma, racial disproportionality in child welfare, the importance of relationships, and ethical, evidence-based practice into our legal duty as mandated reporters? In this training, professionals will learn alternatives to mandated reporting that can prevent child maltreatment, promote family preservation, and maintain client engagement. Participants will be asked to take a critical eye to the legal and ethical implications of the decision to report and consider ways in which these decisions have impact for families, and for our professions, beyond the reporting call.

About the Presenter
Miriam Itzkowitz, MSW, LICSW, is Director of Trauma-Informed Care at the Institute to Transform Child Protection at Mitchell Hamline School of Law. In this role, Miriam develops and implements best practices for the intersection of legal services and trauma-informed care. Miriam's clinical experience is in counseling adults and adolescents in clinical, home, and school settings. Prior to her work at ITCP, Miriam was a faculty member in the School of Social Work at the University of St. Thomas, where she remains an adjunct professor.

NASW Student/Retired Member $20
NASW Member $30
Not-Yet-Member $50



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