How to Work with Peer Specialists
Lunch N Learn Webinar
Wednesday, April 3 - 12-1 p.m. CST via Zoom
Presenter: Melissa A. Hensley, PhD, LISW & Monica L. Yeadon, MSW, CPS, LGSW
1 CEU - May count as Ethics
Peer-provided services have become increasingly important to community-based mental health practice. They are evidence-based modalities which have been proven to improve outcomes when performed in conjunction with traditional mental health services. This workshop will outline the benefits of peer-provided services for those that we serve. Additionally, social workers encounter peer workers in a variety of settings and frequently serve as supervisors of peer specialists. This workshop will outline the roles and activities that peer specialists engage in and discuss ethical similarities and differences between peer specialists and social workers. We will offer helpful tips to enhance the ability to work collaboratively with peer specialists.
You will receive the access link the day before the webinar.
About the Presenters
Melissa is an Associate Professor and BSW Program Director at Augsburg University. Her practice experience includes work in housing and homelessness services and community mental health. She is interested in building bridges between professional social workers and peer specialists from a variety of backgrounds.
Monica is a licensed macro-practice social worker and a certified peer specialist with the state of Minnesota. She currently works for a non-profit that provides free peer services to individuals across the state and is passionate about expanding the use of peer services within the state.
Pricing and Registration
NASW Members - FREE - Register here (NASW members only)
Not-Yet-Members - $15 - Register here