Meet us and our trainer, Tessa Anttila, LICSW at the intersections of clinical practice and climate change awareness. In this immersive training, we deepen our collective understanding of the emotional repercussions of colonization, unveiling the layers of detachment it has imposed upon us. Through unraveling these emotional knots and integrating this practice more widely into our clinical and public health domains, we create a path for deep reconnection while enhancing our emotional capacity (and that of the folks we serve) to tolerate and hold that the line between Humans and Nature is vastly less perceptible than we’ve been taught. How would this change our overall thoughts, feelings and beliefs about the world as we know it, if it drove our behaviors, policies and practices? Through a blend of theoretical insights and experiential learning, we will navigate the intricate landscapes of healing and activism. Our mission is clear: to unearth the suppressed emotions, to honor the pain, and to ignite the momentum for change. Join us in this critical exploration, as we harness the power of our forgotten and ancestral emotional intelligence as living organisms on this planet in order to help heal ourselves and find renewed harmony with life on Earth.