Estate Planning for all Social Workers

Lunch N Learn Webinar

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Powers of Attorney, Health Care Directives, Beneficiary Designations, Wills and Revocable Trusts – This session will explore all of these topics and more as we cover the basics of a good solid estate plan. Learn the most common errors that people encounter in estate planning and how to avoid them!

The Role of Social Work in Caregiver Support: Serving Those Who Serve

Central Region Educational Meeting

Josh Klapperick 0 663

Speaker: Jess Behrends MSW, LICSW, VA Healthcare System

Jess Behrends, LICSW, is the Caregiver Support Program Manager at the St. Cloud VA Health Care System. She is a licensed independent clinical social worker whose experience includes both direct practice with caregivers and Veterans, as well as clinical program development. Ms. Behrends’s workshop will address the role of social work in developing and delivering innovative services to family caregivers. Ms. Behrends will also provide an overview of services provided by the VA’s Caregiver Support Program and how VA is working to empower caregivers as part of a Veteran’s healthcare team.



Free and open to social workers in the Central MN Region!

Central MN Region Educational Meetings

Every 1st Tuesday of the month from 5-6 p.m. via Zoom




Statewide Networking Event in Southwest MN (Mankato)

Josh Klapperick 0 369

Join your NASW-MN Geographic Representative and social workers from your region for casual conversation and networking. Attend and you can also earn 1 CEU (free for attendees)! Brittany Clausen, Vice President of the NASW-MN Board of Directors, will be presenting on the topic below.

Please register in advance so we can know to expect you. This event will take place in-person.

There are 9 Geographic Regions, each one with its own event location, date, and time - be sure you're registering for the correct one.

Supervisor Consultation Circle

Josh Klapperick 0 1123

Whether you are a new or experienced supervisor, these group sessions will allow an opportunity to consult with other supervisors on situations you face when providing group or individual supervision. Attend a few times to help meet your 6 supervision CEUs, or attend monthly and count it as general CEUs*.

These circles are for FREE for NASW-MN members who are currently providing individual or group supervision.

Each group will cap at 6 participants, so register soon to ensure your spot!


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