Statewide Networking Event in Southeast MN (Rochester)
Glynner’s Pub – 1643 1/2 N Broadway Ave, Rochester, MN 55906
Thursday, November 16, 2023 - 6:00p.m.-8:00 p.m. CST
FREE and Open to All Social Workers and Students
Join your NASW-MN Geographic Representative and social workers from your region for casual conversation and networking. Attend and you can also earn 1 CEU (free for attendees)! Brittany Clausen, Vice President of the NASW-MN Board of Directors, will be presenting on the topic below.
Please register in advance so we can know to expect you. This event will take place in-person.
There are 9 Geographic Regions, each one with its own event location, date, and time - be sure you're registering for the correct one.
Minding Your Business - Addressing Burnout in a Culture that Supports Compassion Fatigue and Productivity
Do you ever find yourself staring blankly into space, wondering how the heck you made it to your destination? How often do you read news and email instead of enjoying quiet time? When you know you should be resting, do you think about business and work?
From stressed to rest, this workshop addresses all stressful components of being a workaholic in a white supremacy culture, while sharing the hard truths of practicing self-care. This workshop addresses indicators of burnout, compassion fatigue, productivity, and countertransference and how it relates to systemic racism. Participants will walk away with tips to practice mental wellness and tactful stress coping mechanisms so they can free up more time to relax, be creative, and develop better DEI solutions.
About the Presenter
Brittany Clausen (she/her) is the Founder and Visionary Strategist of Envision Greatness. For almost ten years, she has helped purpose-driven leaders achieve goals through the practice of mindfulness and strategic planning. She holds a B.A. in Psychology and a Master's of Social Work degree from St. Catherine University, Saint Paul, MN. She currently serves as the Vice President and Racial Justice Chair of the National Association of Social Workers MN Chapter. Brittany believes in developing radical solutions through a social justice lens to help individuals acknowledge and understand their level of influence in their communities and use it for good.