Enhancing Mental Health Support in the Workplace: The Role of Social Workers

Central Region Monthly Webinar Series

NASWMN Chapter 0 661

Tuesday, February 4, 2025 - 5-6 pm CST via Zoom

Speaker: Chad Bosl, MA, LMFT


This session will focus on increasing awareness of mental health challenges in the workplace and the critical role social workers play in supporting employee well-being. Participants will gain insights into common mental health issues faced by employees, such as stress, anxiety, depression, and burnout, and understand how workplace factors like workload, environment, and organizational culture contribute to these challenges. This session aims to provide social workers with the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to make a lasting impact on employee well-being and create a healthier, more supportive workplace culture.

Run or Walk in Nature with your Therapist: The Impact Movement and Nature Have on Mental Health

Lunch N Learn Webinar

NASWMN Chapter 0 2148

Wednesday, February 5 - 12-1 p.m. CST via Zoom

Presenter: Katie Mark, MSW, LICSW, Certified Grief Educator, David Kessler, Certified Running Coach, Road Runners Club of America

1 CEU - may be counted as Clinical or Supervision

Are you curious how movement and nature can impact mental health? Join Katie Mark, MSW, LICSW, Certified Grief Educator and Certified Running Coach as she discusses her private practice, On the Mark Therapy, LLC. Katie’s practice engages clients in mental health therapy while running or walking outdoors. During this session, she will describe how she developed her private practice, client outcomes, research that links movement and nature as powerful tools when coupled with mental health therapy as well as what you as a practitioner should know if you would like to incorporate movement and nature into your practice.


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